Monday 31 March 2014

How To Ensure Quality Of Android Application Design

Presentation matters a lot. When it comes to Android apps design, the quality of the design helps a lot in making the app successful. With Google play store getting loaded with new applications every day, it is important for you to enhance the visibility and ratings of your app. A good quality application can be successful in the long run whereas an app having high android app design will fetch high user ratings, usually better rankings, increase in the number of downloads and high retention.

High quality apps can get positive publicity within a short period of time and thus can get featured in Google play store. However, android developers need to make efforts to improve android application design. The most important way to do this is to listen to those who are using the app. Reading the comments on your app on the Google Play Store can help you a lot in improving the design of your app. You must also listen to their concerns and address them.

 Android Application Development
 Android Application Development

You can also set up your own support and discussion destination so that you can address their concerns appropriately. There are also some amazing support tools available in the market. These tools can help you be in touch with the users directly through forums. Once you have set up such a tool, you must ensure that you insert the support link on your Google Play product details page. Users will find it easy to locate this link on the play store.

To enhance the quality of your app you must try and eliminate bugs. A number of tools and techniques are available for testing and profiling the app you have created on various devices and situations. These tools can send random UI events to your app activities, permitting you to trigger user flows that can reveal stability issues. Last but not the least, keep an external bug and feature request tracker easily accessible to users. This will help users to get involved with the app closely. Enhancing the quality of the app is an ongoing process.